How did I get Thyroid Eye Disease?
Isn’t Thyroid Eye Disease the same as Graves’ Disease (GD)?
How are Thyroid Eye Disease and Graves’ Disease different?
Can Treating Graves’ Disease also Treat Thyroid Eye Disease?
How do I know if I have Thyroid Eye Disease?
- Eye pain or pain behind the eyes
- Redness of the eyes and eyelids
- Eyelid swelling and bags under the eyes
- Dry eyes
- Tearing
- Light sensitivity
- Double vision or diplopia
- Restricted eye movements
- Bulging eyes
- Eyelid retraction
- Vision loss
Also, the combination of symptoms of Thyroid Eye Disease can cause horrible disfigurement with bulging eyes that look abnormal. Many patients feel insecure and self-conscious about the appearance, which can then lead to sadness and depression. Don’t worry! There are options to make this better with Thyroid Eye Disease treatments.
Ultimately, it is best to see Dr. Murdock, who is a world-renowned TED expert for a screening evaluation of Thyroid Eye Disease. She sees patients in South Florida who come from across the globe who have difficulty getting diagnosed for this very complex disease.
What do I do if I have Thyroid Eye Disease?
Lifestyle Changes
Stop smoking! Smokers have 7x more severe Thyroid Eye Disease than non-smokers.
Autoimmune Diet – Avoid inflammatory triggers like gluten, sugar, and dairy. Healthy foods and a plant-based diets are recommended.
Vitamin D Supplements – People who are vitamin D deficient can have improved Thyroid Eye Disease with restoration of normal Vitamin D levels.
Selenium Supplements – In select populations of people with early and mild Thyroid Eye Disease, selenium may help with inflammation.
Ocular lubrication – Artificial tears throughout the day and ointment or gel for the eye at night can help keep the eye lubricated and feeling better.
Medical Therapy
In 2020, a breakthrough IV treatment changed many of the treatment models for Thyroid Eye Disease. Extensive research has proven that by blocking the IGF-1 receptor, the inflammation in Thyroid Eye Disease can be shut down, causing many of the soft tissue changes to reverse back to normal. TEPEZZA (teprotumumab) is the first FDA-approved treatment for Thyroid Eye Disease. Dr. Murdock was one of the first TED specialists to use teprotumumab in the world, and she was involved in the original clinical studies for this treatment. Because of her early and robust experience in treating Thyroid Eye Disease patients with teprotumumab, she has traveled across the world to help educate other providers and specialists.
Based on the clinical data, teprotumumab has been shown to improve the following symptoms of Thyroid Eye Disease:
- Proptosis (bulging eyes)
- Double vision
- Signs and symptoms of inflammation (eyelid swelling and redness, pain)
- Quality of life